Info Loker Kalimantan Tengah 2025 PT Adaro MetCoal Companies
PT Adaro MetCoal Companies – PT Adaro MetCoal Companies (AMC) terdiri dari Perjanjian Karya Pengusahaan Pertambangan Batu Bara (PKP2B) untuk tujuh konsesi di provinsi Kalimantan Tengah dan Kalimantan Timur. Tujuh PKP2B ini adalah bagian dari Cekungan Maruwai, yang mengandung deposit batu bara metalurgi green-field terbesar di dunia. Saat ini, sumber daya batu bara metalurgi di dalam PKP2B ini berjumlah 868 juta ton dengan cadangan 85 juta ton.
Pada tahun 2019, AMC memproduksi 1,09 juta ton batu bara, atau 7% lebih tinggi dari tahun 2018, yang terdiri dari 0,93 juta ton batu bara kokas semi-lunak Haju dari tambang Lahai dan 0,16 juta ton batu bara kokas keras Lampunut dari tambang Lampunut di konsesi Maruwai, yang merupakan konsesi operasional kedua AMC. Pemindahan lapisan penutup oleh AMC turun 4% dari tahun 2018 atau mencapai 8,36 Mbcm dengan nisbah kupas 7,67x. AMC menjual 0,98 juta ton batu bara kepada para pelanggan di Jepang, Indonesia, India, Cina dan Eropa, atau naik 15% dari tahun 2018.
Jabatan :
1. CSR & Community Relation Supervisor
- At least S1 with relevant in Sociology, Anthropology, Communication or all majors with relevant experience;
At least 2-year experience as supervisor in the field of Community Relations in mining company/ supervisor in NGO/ public affairs
Familiar with social crisis management, general legal writing & correspondence, and reporting.
Have PERADI certification with educational background of Law will be prioritized.
Work Challenges:
- The perspective differences between company and community about regulation implementation
The educational background diversity that affects the level of individual understanding;
The dynamic of company’s business development.
2. Land Management & Forestry Obligation Staff
- At least S1 or D3 with relevant in Law, Engineering. Administration. Social Science, Forestry, or other relevant majors;
At least 1-year experience for Land management/ external relation/ reclamation – rehabilitation
Familiar with Regulation & Public Policy analysis, Government reporting obligations, Forestry regulation & permit, Agrarian regulation & permit, & Land management.
Work Challenges:
- The perspective differences between company and government of regulation implementation;No dedicated ERT personnel under this role;
Numbers of project and business development are dynamic;
Number of watershed rehabilitation area.
3. OHS Supervisor
- At least S1 or D3 with relevant in Occupational Health and Safety, Environment, Mechanical Engineering or other relevant subjects
At least 3-year experience (for S1) & 5 year of experiences (for D3) in Health and Safety Operations
At least 5-year experience (for S1) & 7 year of experiences (for D3) in QHSE compliance, management and monitoring, management system
Preferable have ceritification in Pengawas Operasional (POP), safety cerifitication (AK3 Umum), etc
Work Challenges:
- Wider area of responsibility & activities in a remote and restricted location
4. Community Relation Officer
- At least S1 with relevant in Sociology, Anthropology, Communication or all majors with relevant experience;
At least 1-year experience for Staff in the field of Community Relations in mining company/ Staff in NGO/ public affairs;
Familiar with social crisis management, general legal writing & correspondence, and reporting.
Have PERADI certification with educational background of Law will be prioritized.
Work Challenges:
- The perspective differences between company and community about regulation implementation
The educational background diversity that affects the level of individual understanding;
The dynamic of company’s business development.
5. Land Management & Forestry Obligation Supervisor
- At least S1 in any majors;
5 years experience in land management / forestry obligation / external relations;
Experience in mining industry is preferrable;
Good understanding of Indonesian Regulation related to Forestry & Land Affairs;
English Proficiency, computer literacy, communication & negotiation skills;
PDCA, risk management, & report writing skills.
Work Challenges:
- Different perspectives between the company & government on regulation implementation.
Dynamic numbers of project and business development.
Remote working location with roster arrangement.
Numbers of forestry Obligation and scale of responsible areas.
(1) : Kami selalu menyampaikan informasi lowongan kerja yang terbaru dan terpercaya.
(2) : Lowongan kerja ini tidak dipungut biaya apapun (Gratis).
(3) : Lamaran yang tidak memenuhi kualifikasi di atas tidak akan diproses, hanya kandidat terbaik yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi tahap selanjutnya.
(4) : Harap Baca dengan teliti dan seksama agar tidak terjadi kesalahan saat melamar pekerjaan.
Apabila anda sudah membaca artikel lowongan kerja di atas serta merasa memenuhi kualifikasi atau persyaratan yang dibutuhkan oleh pihak perusahaan tersebut, segera lengkapi berkas dan CV lamaran terbaru klik tombol Apply for job dibawah ini agar mengarah ke link tujuan.
CSR & Community Relation Supervisor PC (Position 1)
LMFO STAFF PC (Position 2)
OHS Supervisor PC (Position 3)
Community Relation Officer JC (Position 4)
To apply for this job email your details to